Sunday, September 02, 2007


Everyone seems to be sick nowadays.

The Placebo Effect is the phenomenon that one-third of all patients will get better after taking a pill that has no active ingredients whatsoever.

So, using dodgy mathematics, if you take three different sugar pills, you will be cured of anything!


Anyway, my latest placebo is menthol. You can find it in Allen's Butter Menthol, or Ricola's Swiss Drops (or whatever they call it. I don't care, they didn't pay me for this.)

I find it to be effective in getting that dull grey feeling out of your head when you have a cold or what-not.

It might be my imagination though. Maybe if you imagine it too, you'll get the same effect!

(Someday, I'll write about how to use Murphy's Law to your advantage.)

Spring cleaning of the mind.

My head hurts.

I've been trying to be more active. I cycled down to the beach with a friend yesterday. That was good. Except that road cycling is scary. The knowledge that if you fall right at any time, you'll be crushed by a car is simultaneously thrilling and crazy.

Hopefully next time we'll take a more bike-friendly route.

Ow. Why do I always get headaches when I exercise? Probably not healthy.

Road bikes are the bees knees. Kmart has one on sale for under $300. I'm tempted.

Slowly getting ahead of the small group work. I'm going to try to stay one bible study ahead instead of putting it together at the last minute.

Probably going to Ballarat for a few months at the end of September. Kinda looking forward to it, but I always seem to leave too many loose ends lying around back at home.

Facebook is good for finding old friends, I think. I haven't worked out how TV news insists that everyone is using it to the extent that it's impacting on productivity. Maybe send a few messages here and there to old friends, and then what?

Maybe I don't have enough friends.

(Oh, and Twitter? They send free SMSes to you. Problem is, nobody I know seems to use it.)