Monday, November 14, 2005

Goodbye, cruel internet

So it's the 14th of November today. This is the day on which I have to say goodbye to Telstra Prepaid's introductionary free Internet over mobile phone. The gimmick to get me hooked on GPRS internet has worked well.

However, it hasn't convinced me to pay Telstra lots of money, which was presumably Stage Two of Telstra's Grand Plan of Wayne domination. At the rate I was going I'd probably be paying Telstra about $100 for an hour of internet. (Yeah, I was downloading full sized webpages and what not.)

The cheapest bulk provider of GPRS that I've been able to identify is the special Vodafone data bundles, which cost about $50 a month for 300 MB downloads. Painful, but not as painful. My problem now is to find a Vodafone store that a) can sign me up for this service, b) is in or near Ballina, and c) opens on Saturday Arvo or sometime on Sunday.

The closest store is in Lismore, about a 45 minute drive away. My lack of car-edness means that this is somewhat difficult.

Therefore, I'll have to farewell the Internet for a couple of weeks. The only connection I'll get is the company one, during work hours, and probably only at lunchtime.


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