Friday, October 14, 2005


I was considering posting a blog containing the line: "I read the weekend
newspaper as a form of escapism. I want to escape to a place where the
number of females are equal to the number of males." Then I thought about
it some more and decided that this would be a rather sad comment.

The reality of construction sites, and to a lesser extent the entire
engineering profession, is that it is an extremely gender skewed
profession. The last statistics I remember was that 85% of undergraduate
engineering students at Monash were male. This was worse than the IT
faculty, and substantially worse than the Nursing Faculty, which is the
faculty most biased towards the fairer gender (about 60%).

Yesterday morning we were waiting for a couple of representatives from BOC
to come from site. "That person coming over today is a sheila, isn't she?"

Well, all the young single males on site ended up having a nice chat to
Tracy. Except me. Maybe I'm a snob.


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