Monday, September 12, 2005

Let them eat cake

There's this tradition at my company to provide two cakes for the people in the office when your birthday comes. For the benefit of those sitting at the desks at time of cake delivery (pretty much everyone), people often will send an email to the entire office alerting everybody about the presence of the aforementioned cake.

The thing is, most people send their cake emails to everyone registered as a worker in Victoria and Tasmania. This has the net affect of alerting everyone who is on site that there is a cake that they physically cannot access.

We had cake on Saturday. So, with a grin, we dutifully emailed everyone in Melbourne that there was cake in the smoko room up here in Ballina.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont enjoy reading blogs

i hope you're doing alright mate :)

8:32 pm AEST  
Blogger joanium said...

Hee hee! Hee hee!

I was worried about the same thing at my work. I was worried that the 'Victorian Environment Group' email alias would send an email to Geelong, Morwell, Shepparton, Mildura, Wodonga and Tasmania. I was especially nervous when I sent an email asking everyone if they knew where the receipt book was. I still don't know if the non-Melbourne offices got that email!

7:59 pm AEST  

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