Sunday, February 20, 2005


Here's an article which reflects on the way in which we donate money, questioning the generosity of the Australian nation.

Also an interesting radio conference on this topic was on Radio National. Transcript will probably be available here, sometime soon.

Sounds like a reflection of the Pharisee in Luke 18. Maybe people should start doing good things for the sake of doing good things instead of wanting to earn brownie points.

It made me think, as I enter the workforce in a professional sense, the attitude in which we should be giving money to those less fortunate or more needy.


Blogger joanium said...

So many times I've heard, "I'll start donating money when I have a regular income/more/paid off my car" etc.

And I point out, "Well, lots of people look at us and think that if only that had as much money as we do, they would donate to charity all the time."

There is always someone worse off.

That's not to say that I donated much money. Only now have I gotten my act together and signed up for the worthy causes that I have verbally championed.

Or, as the saying goes, I have put my money where my mouth is :)

11:16 pm AEDT  

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