Sorry, Jimmy, it was too hard to resist.
Luckily, it seems that my nickname, auheM, has gained sufficient notoriety that I no longer have to explain that you're meant to read it upside down. Unluckily, there are still too many people who begin to insist that my real name is mehua or something.
I could feign exasperation at such people, but to tell the truth, such people amuse me...
Regarding my blogging habits: I'm not going to commit to any frequency of blogging, the internet wastes enough of my time as it is. However, I've seen a few examples of people trying to set up their own sites and fail from lack of trying.1
If you do have time to spare, listen to the Hitchhiker's radio series.
Also, automatic marking scripts suck. See my long argument with one of these menial scripts, stuck at the bottom of an overcrowded directory structure, chugging out e-mails with reckless abandon...

1 This should not be read as an indication that I will try to keep my blog alive.
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