Saturday, May 22, 2004


It's amazing what you can do when you don't have any time to do it in. I've got a computer systems design assignment due in on Monday, and I've got to write a simulator for the packets flying around a medium sized network.

I've already rewritten it two times. First time was with C++ and pthreads, then I decided that pthreads suck (for debugging, and remember I'm short on time). Then I wrote it with straight C++ and lots of STL, but then the GNU g++ compiler started making funny noises about vtables and other stuff I really couldn't be bothered worrying about.

Now I've written it a third time in Java. So far so good, but there's no equivalent of the ultra-flexible scanf in Java, which means I'll have to write the file input methods by hand. Yuck.

If I'm lucky, I might just survive Monday.


Have I rewritten it two times or three times? When I say two, it doesn't seem to flow as well. Blame my stress levels, and my lecturer Mr. But.


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